Havmor Ice Cream bagged two accolades at the Times Food Awards 2017 that happened in Ahmedabad recently. The ice cream brand won “Best Ice Cream” in the Casual Dining category, and their premium outlet, Huber & Holly in Ahmedabad, won “Best Ice Cream” in the Fine Dining category.
Huber & Holly, is their latest venture, a full-fledged restaurant in the city that serves coffee, sandwiches and pizzas as well as their signature ice creams.
This year’s recognition makes it the ninth consecutive win for the brand at the Times Food Awards. The awards were not only based on the flavours and the quality of the ice cream, but also the service offered and sustainability of the brand.
Ankita Chona, the managing director of Havmor Ice Cream Ltd. said, “We have made it this time as well. For the past eight years, we have been bestowed with the award in the Best Ice Cream Brand category and this year, being an ice cream brand, it make us feel proud to win under the best ice cream dine categories – Causal and Fine Dine.” He also added, “This adds another feather in our cap and reaffirms our commitment towards innovative, best quality and hygienic product and service offerings.